Made in 1939, this movie showcases the legendary talent of Jimmy Stewart along with Jean Arthur. It is about an everyday American who finds himself elected as a Senator for his state after one of them dies. Mr. Smith chronicles his journey from small town life to politics on Capitol Hill. Upon his arrival, Jefferson Smith learns about how Congress works and how laws are made.
This movie would be a wonderful supplement to a Civics/ American Government class. I learned almost as much as I would reading a textbook. Viewers learn alongside Mr. Smith about the workings of our government including political terms such as filibuster and the complexity of lawmaking.
This movie also includes deeper elements. It discusses the beliefs of our founding fathers for a country where everyone has a chance to be a part of its government as well as the principles on which America was founded. It promotes the idea of courage, integrity, character, and duty. Mr. Smith even has a scene where Senator Smith is reading the "Love" passage in 1 Corinthians 13; additionally the movie has included themes of Providence in the founding of the country.
Personally, I thought this was a fantastic movie. I recommend everyone to go rent it or check it out at your library! Enjoy this clip from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.
Personally, I thought this was a fantastic movie. I recommend everyone to go rent it or check it out at your library! Enjoy this clip from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.