Yeah, yeah....I know I should be working on my "professional documents" for my portfolio in FCS 100. Among writing personal beliefs for a Philosophy Statement my mind keeps drifting across the Atlantic Ocean to Zambia. The place I will be for 3 weeks this summer in July; the place God is sending me to in answer to my prayers.
Let me start from the beginning. Since ninth grade I have been wanting to go to Africa to do mission work. I didn't care if it was for two weeks or two months. In December 2007 one of the missionaries my congregation in Utah sponsored came to visit us from Uganda. Then and there a spark was started in my heart, sitting in the auditorium watching his presentation about the things God is doing in Uganda. That spark has only grown to a flame over the past four years.
The flame has grown more and more as I've heard stories from people who have been to Africa, and as I've learned about opportunities that lie ahead. My heart has been burning this past month with the overwhelming desire to go to Africa and serve the people there. The only problem was other than next summer doing a possible missionary internship, I didn't see any opportunities to go this year. So I have been going before the throne of God, asking Him to send me. My prayers echoed Isaiah's in 6:8, "Here am I! Send me."
I was soaking in a hot bath on Saturday night, a perfect time for prayer. My prayer for an opportunity to go to Africa was among the many things I was visiting with the Lord about. I knew God would be a better guardian of that desire than I would be so I put it in His hands. God is faithful. At church Sunday morning I was visiting with one of the ladies who is in charge of organizing some of the mission trips our congregation is involved in. I knew they had gone to Zambia for a medical mission last year, but I wasn't sure if they were going this year. Turns out they are! She said I could still sign up to go. God is faithful!
I just returned from mailing the application form. I've typed up the fundraising letters. I've compiled a list of people to send them to. THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!!! I still have so much to do though. Actually mailing the letters for instance-$4,500 stands between me and Zambia.
Dear readers, can I humbly ask for your prayers as I am preparing to go on this adventure? First off, I need prayers to continually give this endeavor to God. Our team needs prayers that God will prepare our hearts to serve and equip us for the task ahead. Please pray for the Zambian people we will be helping. Here's the link to the organization we are going with, if anyone is interested in learning more about it:
As exciting as this all is, I must to remember to put my hope in God alone. He is in control of what happens. And He is good all the time. While my heart is in Africa, my faith is in God.