About Me

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Hi there! We are two sisters, Emily (Emmy) and Elizabeth (Libby). The Lord has blessed us beyond measure and we hope you will be blessed by this blog!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

. Happy Thursday!

"Coming to Him as a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1Peter 2:4-5)"

Oh what a lovely day the Lord blessed us with today! All week it has been too warm for October.....until today! It was breezy outside and only reached 75 degrees- perfect fall weather if you ask me. If anyone is reading this, if you haven't guessed by now, I'm a newbie to blogging. I do not know how to add all those cool things to the side, I haven't figured out the configuration, and I'm pretty much confused! I usually also have lots of other things I need to be doing and just don't have the time to sit down and figure this puppy out. Hopefully this explains why the posts are few and far between, lacking in content, and why the blog is pretty boring. Maybe one of these days I'll get around to some real meaningful posts and gussy-ing up the place. But Tchus for now! (that's a casual goodbye in German ;P)

Monday, October 4, 2010

We're Still Here!

So sorry it's been so long since I've posted. We've been busy with many things! Miss Emmy is very (and I mean VERY!) involved in ballet, while I've been doing lots of babysitting! We both are grateful for these opportunities we've been given. The days now are filled with school. I am, and I think Emmy is too, enjoying my subjects. I especially like U.S. Government since I'm interested in politics and current events....Fox News is probably my favorite channel on TV! Besides school at home, we also have co-op every Friday. It's been a good semester so far, I have to say. This year, they decided to have a Student Council and yours truly is running for President! I have one opponent who would make a very good president, so I won't be disappointed if I don't win. It's all in good humor (not the expression I'm looking for but can't think of the right one)! On top of all this, I'm trying to get moving along in Driver's Ed. I need to get it done before November since the account expires then. 

Things I need to do:
1. Driver's Ed (Mod. 7 Lesson 1-2 completed 10/4)
2. Clean my bathroom (completed 10/4)
3. Clean my room (completed 10/4)
4. Read chapter set for Great Expectations this week
5. Read Count of Monte Cristo
6. Call library to get book situation straightened out (working on 10/5)
7. Prepare girls devo talk for 10/17

Maybe I should get off and get goin' on that list!

Until later, take care! Love, Libby

We've been on some fun trips like the Family Retreat and.....

....to my hometown in Oklahoma to see my old friends at the Homecoming Game!